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Eastern Brown
(Pseudonaja textilis)

The Eastern Brown is an extremely defensive snake. The colour can range from Brown to black, flame orange to silver in colour. Some individuals can even be banded. The belly is typically cream  orange spots. Juveniles may be plain or banded and have distinctive head markings consisting of  black markings on the head and  neck. The Eastern Brown reaches a length of around 2 metres. They are Found over most of Queensland,  New South Wales and Victoria.  They are active by day, although juveniles are often seen at night hunting for food. Their main diet consists of reptiles,  birds and mammals.

This species is the 2nd most venomous land snake in the world and many human deaths have occurred from bites . Their venom is strongly neurotoxic which effects the nervous system and  anti-coagulants which effect blood clotting. If bitten, apply first aid and seek URGENT medical attention.

Coastal Taipan
(Oxyuranus scutellatus)

The Coastal Taipan is a light olive to dark brown but sometimes dark grey to black.  The head is lighter in colour in young snakes  but tend to darken up as they get older but the nose will stay light in colour.  The belly is cream and usually marked with orange spots, similar to that of the Eastern Brown Snake. Found in northern and eastern Australia.  It is known from north-western Western Australia, the northern Northern Territory, across Cape York Peninsula and the Queensland coast. In southern Queensland it can be found around Esk and Gympie. The Coastal Taipan is active during day and early evening during hot weather. Their main diet is mammals.


It is a dangerously venomous snake with a strong neurotoxic
venom.  It is the 3rd most venomous land snake in the world.  Many human deaths have resulted from bites by this species. If bitten apply first aid and seek URGENT medical attention.


Eastern Tiger Snake

(Notechis scutatus)


The Eastern Tiger snake can come in colours of brown to olive with numerous distinct bands of irregular widths covering the full length of the snake. The banding can vary from pale-cream to copper-orange in colour. . The head of the Tiger Snake is very broad which they will use this to their advantage when threatened by  flattening the head and throat like a cobra. The Eastern Tiger Snake is mostly active of a day but can be seen on warm humid nights stalking frogs. Main Diet consists of frogs, small mammals, lizards and birds, They are normally seen in a few small pockets in Queensland  such as the Sunshine Coast an Gold Coat Hinterlands.

The Eastern Tiger Snake is dangerous venomous and a ready biter.  Its venom has pro-coagulants which affect blood clotting. If bitten, apply first aid and seek URGENT medical attention.


Stephens Banded Snake (Hoplocephalus stephensii) 

This snake is grey to black with brown or cream crossbands. The belly is cream to grey in colour. This species grows to 1.2 metres. They Live in rainforests, moist forests and are commonly found up Mt Glourious and Mt Nebo. This snake is largely nocturnal.  It climbs well and spends most of its time up trees. Thier diet consists of mainly of frogs, reptiles and small mammals


This species is potentially dangerous and a ready biter.  Its venom affects blood clotting. If bitten apply first aid and seek URGENT medical attention.  


Red Bellied Black Snake

(Pseudechis porphyriacus)


The Red Bellied Black is a Diurnal snake which is glossy black  with a pinkish belly with red extending up the first row of lateral scales. It is usually found around moist habitats, streams, swamps and lagoons they may even be found within forests, woodlands and grasslands. Red-bellied Black Snakes can be found in most of the east coast of Queensland extending down through New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.


Although there has been no recorded deaths from this species it is still very dangerous, it does have a strong haemotoxic and cytotoxic venom. If bitten apply first aid and seek URGENT medical attention.  

Haemotoxic - are toxins that destroy red blood cells (that is, cause haemotoxin), disrupt blood clotting, and/or cause organ degeneration and generalized tissue damage. 

Cytotoxic - is a cell destroying venom. It will be a very pain full bite as this venom damages tissue and destroys cells very similar to that of a gang green effect.


Rough Scaled Snake
(Tropidechis carinatus)

The Rough-scaled Snake is dull brown to olive brown in colour with irregular bands or blotches across the body with a cream belly. The scales across its back,  have a pronounced, central ridge (keel) running along the length of the snake. The Rough Scale Snake grows to 1 metre. It occurs in two widely separated areas close to the coast.  A northern population occurs around the Cairns area and a population from Fraser Island to Barrington Tops (New South Wales. They are extremley good climbers which live in rainforests, moist forests areas, active both day and night. This species will react very defensively when disturbed. Feeds mainly on mammals, frogs, birds and lizards are sometimes taken.


Its a dangerously venomous species with a strong neurotoxic venom.  It is a ready biter and is responsible for at least one human death and several severe envenomations. If bitten apply first aid and seek URGENT medical attention.   


Common Death Adder
(Acanthophis antarcticus)

The Common Death Adder is diurnal and nocturnal snake which is easily recognised by its triangular-shaped head, short stout body and thin tail.The Common Death Adder lives in forests and woodlands, grasslands and found in  Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. They are commonly found up Mt Glourious and Gold Coast Hinterland

The Common Death Adder feeds on frogs, lizards and birds. This snake sits in one place and waits for prey to come to it. Covering itself with leaves makes it inconspicuous and it lies coiled in ambush. It wiggles its tail close to its head as a lure to attract its prey. When its prey approaches to investigate the movement, the death adder quickly strikes. it is one of the fastest striking snakes in the world


This species is extremely dangerous and gives no warning. It packs a set of long fangs and as a strong neurotoxin. If bitten apply first aid and seek URGENT medical attention.  


Yellow-faced Whip Snake (Demansia psammophis)

This snake is a slender pale bluish grey to light olive green in colour with a reddish tinge on the neck and front third of its back.  The eye is large and is surrounded by a pale ring.  There is a black, comma-shaped marking beneath the eye and a dark line on the tip of the snout running between the nostrils. The belly is usually greenish-grey. 


The Yellow-Faced Whip Snake is widespread over most Australia growing to around 1m in length.


Their diet consists of lizards and their eggs and have also been known to eat frogs and other snakes. This snake is a fast and timmed snake which is active during the day. 


This snake is potentially dangerous especially to Small Children  and should be treated with caution.  Bite symptoms are usually localized pain and swelling at the bite site but can even spread to the whole limb with more severe cases resulting in Anaphylaxis .

If bitten, apply first aid and seek urgent medical attention. 

Bandy Bandy
(Vermicella annulata)

Bandy Bandy's have small eyes  with glossy black and white rings covering the full length of the body. This species is can be found through eastern and far northern Australia. It  is a burrowing, nocturnal species that is often found sheltering beneath rocks and logs.  It can also seen crossing roads on humid nights.  When threatened, it raises loops of its body vertically off the ground to make its self look bigger to the  predator.  Their diet consists of blind snakes. This species grows to around the around the 60cm mark.

Bite symptoms can consist of localized pain and swelling around bite site. Generally considered harmless due to small size of mouth & inoffensive nature. If bitten, apply first aid and seek urgent medical attention. 

Golden-Crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) WEAKLY VENOMOUS

The Golden-crowned Snake is a small nocturnal, brown to grey in colour with a reddish orange belly. It also has a golden crown-shaped marking on the head which gives it its name. Average length of this species is about 50cm. The Golden-crowned Snake is found on the east coast of central New South Wales to south-eastern Queensland. The Golden-crowned Snake feeds at night on sleeping lizards and is also known to eat small frogs and blind snakes.

The Golden-Crowned Snake are known to be inoffensive and very rarely bite. Bite Symptoms can consist of localized pain and swelling.  If bitten, apply first aid and seek urgent medical attention. 

White-Crowned Snake

(Cacophis harriettae)


​​The White-crowned Snake is a nocturnal gun-metal grey to dark brown in colour with a cream to yellowish band across the neck area.  This species grows to 50 cm in length and is found in southern Queensland to northern New South Wales. Found in woodlands, forests and suburban gardens. The White- Crowned Snake feeds at night on sleeping lizards and their eggs

The Golden-Crowned Snake are known to be inoffensive and very rarely bite. Bite Symptoms can consist of localized pain and swelling.  If bitten, apply first aid and seek urgent medical attention. 

Dwarf Crowned Snake
(Cacophis kreftti)

The Dwarf Crowned Snake is Dark Grey in colour with a narrow yellow band located behind the head. Their belly is a vibrent yellow in colour. they hav every small eyes and with a very small mouth.

They are a rearly seen snake located along the coastal areas of South East Queensland and down in to New South Wale to Sydney.

Their diet consists of small skink lizards.

They are a weakly venomous snake with a small mouth and very tiny fangs, but are very reluctatant to bite.  if bitten its best to apply snake bite frist aid and seek urgent medical attention. 

Brown Tree Snake
(Boiga irregularis)

The Brown Tree Snake is a Weakly Venomous Snake related to the Colubrid family as other venomous snakes are related to the Elapidae family. They have a large head with large eyes . The head is very distinct from the narrow neck. They are brown with darker cross bands on the back and sides.  Northern Australian Brown Tree Snakes  are cream with bold reddish bands.  The belly is cream to orange.  They are a rear Fanged snake unlike other venomous snakes. 


Found down the coast of Queensland and down into mid New South Wales. They can be found in a range of habitats  such as forests, rainforests, mangroves. 

Their diet consists of birds and their eggs but reptiles, frogs and mammals are also taken.

The Brown Tree Snake is a weakly venomous snake  and not classed as dangerous to humans. If bitten apply Frist Aid and seek urgent medical attention as every ones body can react differently. 

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